Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am a big fan of apologetics. I love to read books and listen to men of God defend the Christian faith. Most Christians believe apologetics is a defense of the faith from those outside of the church who wish to attack the historical and theological facts of Christ and the faith. The sad thing is there are many attacks from "within" the church. All we need to do is watch TBN or other Christian television for 30 minutes and we'll see heretics spewing poison. What is wrong with the Christian faith? I don't understand why preaches must preach that Christ died so we must live lives of wealth and prosperity, when in fact the bible states Christ died for us so we would spend eternity with him (John 3:16).

It's a sad thing. I pray the generations that follow will go back to orthodox Christianity. It's a simple Christianity that doesn't make scriputre confusing and full of false hopes.

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