Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Been a while

It has been a while since my last blog. I'm sure the few who actually read this were very upset that I haven't written. Oh well :).

I find the older I get the more I question my beliefs. I question scripture and I often wonder if what the bible says is actually the truth. Don't get me wrong, I believe all scripture is true, however I often have questions. Is it okay to question scripture? I believe so. I believe the more we question the more truth from God's word is revealed. I find the older I get the more belief I have in God. It's sad because so many churches preach a belief in miracles and success and not a faith in God that will bring about miracles.

Joel Osteen really gets on my nerves now that I think about it. I know I am going to ramble about this, but this is my blog and if someone doesn't like what I say then feel free to exit out of the blog. Joel Osteen preaches this "happy' theology. I don't think scripture teaches that Christ died so we could be happy. He died so we could spend an eternity in Heaven. It's men like him that have lead me to question scripture.

Anyways, this blog today is a ramble. I'll write more later on.


Delaine Lutz said...

I think it is completely fine to have questions about the word of God. As believers, we are not called to have blind faith. We are to have faith that is reasonable based on the evidence that God has provided us. I can't prove 100% that God exists, but I can show evidence of his existence. God requires that we exercise faith and place our trust in him. This does not mean that we check our brains at the door. I understand your criticisms of Joel Olsteen. I have listened to some of his sermons that are actually good. God wants us to have joy, and sometimes that is expressed by happiness. The problem with Joel is that he doesn't seem to have the ability to acknowledge human suffering. I really appreciate your dedication to the study of God's Word and your desire to be theologically sound.

God's blessings to you.

Delaine Lutz said...

I think it is completely fine to have questions about the word of God. As believers, we are not called to have blind faith. We are to have faith that is reasonable based on the evidence that God has provided us. I can't prove 100% that God exists, but I can show evidence of his existence. God requires that we exercise faith and place our trust in him. This does not mean that we check our brains at the door. I understand your criticisms of Joel Olsteen. I have listened to some of his sermons that are actually good. God wants us to have joy, and sometimes that is expressed by happiness. The problem with Joel is that he doesn't seem to have the ability to acknowledge human suffering. I really appreciate your dedication to the study of God's Word and your desire to be theologically sound.

God's blessings to you.